Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Gone forever

"I feel so, much better, now that you're gone forever, I tell myself, that I don't miss you at all. I'm not lying, denying, that I feel so much better, Now that you're gone forever."

In hindsight, I really don't know why I was so down in the dumps yesterday ^^" Just one of those days I guess. I burnt your letters and now you're gone, It's as simple as that.

Anyways, new and better day :D I've spent the day getting some homework out the way and I'm blindly optimistic about the future once again! Just got a message from a friend "The freezer at work broke again, so there are a-loooooooot of pizza's that are dead and need to be eaten by the end of today, free pizza at mine at 5." I have been waiting all week for that message :P haha!

Before I head off though, I just remembered a important fact I forgot to mention yesterday that heavily contributed to my emo yesterday. The all or nothing nursing course I want to get into next year, turns out it only has 90 places available. Rough as, If I don't get into this particular course, I think I'm going to consider giving up on university and get into mine work or something and sum up heaps of minor qualifications like my Dad has. Just that thought of my short term goal falling through has really shattered my fragile thoughts of the future. Planning your future is heavy stuff mans. Damn, phone rang and I lost my train of thought. Oh yeah, BLINDLY OPTIMISTIC!

Side note, I have so much homework to miraculously finish during my operation recovery it's not even funny. Should be a fun panic-y couple weeks ahead :P

~Blog post ended~

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, she just disappeared! Was it that thing I said about being in love with her? It was a joke Miranda! Please come back!
