Monday, September 13, 2010

For the love of Koala's

Daez lyk cuddleh wittle beyhres an stff!

But seriously, it seems these updates are just for a good friends sake :P

Anywayyyyyyyyyyssss, Update is in order apparently!

Can't be bothered checking my last update, but, managed to disable myself in the last couple weeks by damaging me foot badly and fracturing my wrist. Both of which are currently still recovering :P And were caused from separate silly incidents xD

Have also given up the job search in the city for a little while, but I'll work something out come next year. I think I'm happy working my weekends away in the country :3 for now anyways.

Uni work has been flat out, on a completely different note, tried ice skating lessons, wasn't that great.

Had a revelation the other night, decided to delete facebook and start on a complete remodel of my lifestyle and whatnot :3 I really want to achieve some self goals and get my shite together I've decided. Eg Getting fit, studying more, doing better

Also been seeing an awesome ladeh whom I use to go to primary school with back in the day, she goes to my uni and knows some friends, crazy! Anyways, she's pretty and talkative and really pretty and has an interesting back story. I'm happy to have started getting a connection with someone again and hopefully something good will come of it :) Can't say much more on it for now xP Because I think some things still need to be sorted out xD Seems I'm pretty bad at solidifying relationship status's :P

Still procrastinating, Exercised, learnt some more guitar and am now blogging, time to actually start my homework ^^"

Night Peep(s) :D


  1. As if, man! xD The blogging is like a means of expression so that your sooouuuuulllll can liiiivvvveeeeee 8D Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy :]

    Anyway, good work with the update :P Sounds like shit is pretty awesome at the mo-- can't believe you deleted your Facebook though!!!!!!! O_O How will anyone ever contact you? Lmao!

    Over and out B]

  2. Okay, so this is how many women in like two months? And all this time, Miranda's sitting here waiting for you to realize you love her! GET ONTO IT MAN!!
