Monday, August 2, 2010

Reasons to be proud to be a statician #2

We are mean lovers.

Another pretty lame statistics joke, but I liked this one alot more than the first one xP Not that I can remember it, but this one was so much funnier :P

But yeah, second week into uni and this is the week I'm going to start getting into everything :D Got back to the gym today, starting taek won do tomorrow night, hopefully chasing down a couple more jobs tomorrow also, and generally getting my study on and getting into it 8D

So far the work has been pretty interesting and not as bad as I feared :P Psychology has been AMAZING with the content .__." Today we learnt about Humanistic theories and social learning, spectacular stuff. Although they are right with the criticism that "It's more of a motivation speech than an actual theory", pretty spot on but omg is it motivating xD It's basically just saying "Everyone can do anything they want, everyone can change, people follow the heirachy and be happy!" x3 Great lecture though.

Which was followed by the most frustrating 50 minutes of my life. Statistics tutorial, you rock up, shut up, take notes, watch them do the questions. Instead it turned out to be a debate between a bunch of idiots and some nerd about whether "Shoe sizes found in the store David Jones" are a categorical or quantitative statistic. Last time I went into detail about idiot question-eers in my class, I confused a friend deeply xP So I'll just leave it at it was tragically frustrating and if you have to use "But" or "What if" when asking a question, you are better off just shutting up -____-

The tutor was actually a very young appearing gentleman who seemed to find the debate amusing and kept them going >_<" Stating that "If we think they are wrong, maybe we should justify our view as well", which sparked the nerd who was making it sound so complex and urging them on @_@ In an attempt to shut them up I just asking "Is this the answer?" and said the actual answer, which in itself was so embarrassing because this debate has already been going for 10 minutes. The tutor replied "Whoaaaa, slow down dude, we still haven't finished deciding whether it's a category or a number yet :P" And he let it continue for another 15 minutes X____x

My answer turned out to be right too >___<" I was so frustrated. The idiots never finished it because it got awkward after they all started yelling over each other and the people in the back screamed to move on xD

In the same lecture, I also got the approval of some bored as looking chick sitting behind me :P Had short chats with her during the tute, she's going vet, so I think I came across as pretty stupid ^^" But anyways, she was cute and seemed nice :3 So after introducing myself as he concluded, I handed my number and name to her with a "if you ever want to catch up some time" as she left. I don't think I have ever been so nervous in my life. My hands were sweating so bad, which has never happened .__." and It was so hard to write because they wouldn't stop shaking X.x And the mega blushy blush stammering. Don't think I'll be getting a message back xD Lmao, but oh well :P It was an interesting attempt xP I felt a little proud. Pity I was freaking out :P

But yeah, that's my interesting story for the day xP

Anyways I better go grab some tea so I can go see a friend for a catch up :P PS, trackies are sooooooo comfortable ._____. Bought a pair for gym and won-do, haven't wore a pair since like year 7. Omg comfy~ So daggy for casual wear though xD

Peace ya'll~


  1. Lol! Sounds like you've had an awesome week. Congrats on the motivation ;D

    I lold muchly about the argument in your tute-- is this the SAME dude every time? O.o

    Nawww at your picking up of chick ^^ I so freaking understand nerves and blushing in such situations, lol xD But it was really brave of you to make a move; I never make the first move myself O.o I consider it, of course, but never actually do it ^^" I'm so freakin' retarded xD But anyway, maybe she will call you-- you never know? At least she didn't throw it back in your face or hit you or something-- that's a good sign ^^

    Have a good rest-of-the-week :]
